I'm wondering how it's possible to forecast a conditional variance using a GARCH model since we don't know last period conditional variance.
If I understand correctly, the conditional variance is the variance of the random variable that represent the last period residual of another model. In other terms, we have a model, we have its residual, and we want to forecast that residual variance which mean the variance of all the possible outcome that could have taken the residual, knowing the residual conditional variance last period.
But the problem: we don't have that variance since its the variance of all possible epsilon that could have taken our residual. But in reality, only one residual appeared in the last period. We only have last period residual (required in ARCH model), but we don't have all possible residual that could have happened, knowing last period information set, required to compute the last period conditional variance required for the GARCH model.
Then, how to estimate that last period variance since we don't have the information to do it ?