It is unfortunately a common misunderstanding that Linear Mixed-Effects (LME) models, like any classical Linear Model (LM), assume that the response is normally distributed with suitable parameters. The truth is that LM(E) assume that the response is normal with suitable parameters conditionally on the covariates.
Reading David's answer made me recall that there is a subtle but important difference between the residuals of an LM and that of an LME. This difference is due to the presence of random effects. To check the residuals of an LME one thus has to decide first what to do with the random effects. Two alternatives are possible:
(1) marginal residuals
(2) conditional residuals
Since the random effects are mere random variables, we could integrate them from the model and then compute the residuals implied residuals; those compute this way are called marginal residuals.
On the other hand, random effects are also parameters, albeit random ones. In some contexts, it is of interest also an estimation of the random effects. Thus having an estimate of the random effects, it is possible to consider residuals for the model that are obtained conditionally on these estimates; these are called conditional residuals. For a full account of these issues see Pinheiro and Bates (2004) "Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS", Springer.
From the point of view of assumption verification (if that's ever useful, see the Side Note), this means that you should never check if the distribution of the response is normal-looking (e.g. by histograms, normality tests, etc.). You should instead look at the distribution of the residuals of that model.
Side Note. Some statisticians would argue that checking the normality of the residuals is not useful at all. You can find many threads on this here on this site, e.g. here