Some background: Given a linear regression model (or any other GLM), we all know how to test the null hypothesis $\hat\beta_i=0$. The lm
function in R
(or any equivalent in other languages) would even conduct this test automatically. We can then relate to the contribution of the $i^{th}$ variable to the model, or in other words discuss its importance.
Sobol indices are a model-agnostic method of quantifying variable importance. There are two variants of indices: Given a model of the shape $y=f(X)$, the importance of the $i^{th}$ variable $X_i$ is described by the first-order Sobol index $$S_i=\frac{Var(E[y|X_i])}{Var(y)}$$ and the total Sobol index $$T_i=\frac{Var(E[y|X_{-i}])}{Var(y)}$$ where $X_{-i}$ is the dataset $X$ without the $i^{th}$ variable in discussion.
I am willing to conduct some hypothesis tests regarding Sobol indices. They obviously lie in $[0,1]$ so they might be uniform or Beta. But, is there a known distribution for them? Any known statistical procedure for such metrics? Is there some literature regarding hypothesis testing for global sensitivity analysis?