TL;DR: Does Callaway & Sant'Anna (2021) work for binary outcomes? If not, what should I do to estimate a time heterogenic policy effect on a binary variable?
Full question: I am trying to estimate the effect of a policy on a binary outcome. Given my data, the effect is likely to be heterogenous across time, i.e., the effect will increase over time, so the effect size is larger for units that have been treated for 3 periods than for units that have been treated for 1 period. The effect is not likely to be heterogenous across groups (that get treated at different periods), i.e., it is length of exposure that matters, and not the time period of the treatment. For example, looking at a group in period 4, when the group was treated in period 3, the effect size should be the same as when looking at another group in periode 7 that was treated in period 6.
Chaisemartin & D'Haultfæuille (2022) reviews a litterature that documents the problems of using standard TWFE estimators in staggered applications when treatment effects are heterogenous over time. Callaway & Sant'Anna (2021) 10.1016/j.jeconom.2020.12.001 provides a solution to this. My question is if the estimator they provide can also be used in applications where the outcome is binary? If not, what can I do to estimate the effect of a binary policy on a binary outcome in an application with 1) panel data 2) staggered policy adoption 3) time heterogenous effects 4) a justfiable conditional parallel trends assumption.