I want to use pcls
to constrain beta coefficient on a linear term in my gam.
Specifically, I have a model: gam(y ~ s(x1, ...) + x2, data=dat)
, and I want to make sure that x2
's coefficient lies between -1 and 1. How can I do it?
2 Answers
The code below should do the job for you. It uses BIC as its model selection criterion; you can substitute AIC or whatever else you want, of course.
# Sample data that (almost certainly) violates the constraint
fitting_data <- data.table(x1 = rnorm(100),
x2 = rnorm(100),
x3 = rnorm(100))
fitting_data[, y := 2*x1 + x2 + sin(x3) + rnorm(100)]
G_gam = bam(y ~ x1 + x2 + s(x3), data = fitting_data)
if (coef(G_gam)["x1"] < -1 | coef(G_gam)["x1"] > 1) {
# G_gam_p1 -> the coefficient of x1 = 1
# G_gam_m1 -> the coefficient of x1 = -1
G_gam_p1 <- bam((y-x1) ~ x2 + s(x3), data=fitting_data)
G_gam_m1 <- bam((y+x1) ~ x2 + s(x3), data=fitting_data)
if (BIC(G_gam_p1) < BIC(G_gam_m1)) {
final_model <- G_gam_p1
} else {
final_model <- G_gam_m1
} else {
final_model <- G_gam
Running this with the sample data above results in:
> final_model$formula
(y - x1) ~ x2 + s(x3)
from which it is easily deduced that the coefficient on x1
has been set to 1
, which is as hoped for given that the actual coefficient is 2
$\begingroup$ This is really clever - why hasn't it been accepted as the right answer? $\endgroup$– BobCommented Apr 27 at 3:17
$\begingroup$ @Bob—Thanks! Sometimes, posters figure things out for themselves and don't return to the site to see if there's an answer. The fact that the OP had posted an answer themselves a few hours earlier than this one (see below) indicates that's probably what happened here. $\endgroup$– jbowmanCommented Apr 27 at 15:59
This is the solution that I arrived at:
G_gam = bam(
y ~ x1 + x2 + s(x3, k=knots),
data = fitting_data
gam_coef = coef(G_gam)
beta = gam_coef[1]
if (beta < beta_min_max[1] | beta > beta_min_max[2]) {
x_matrix = predict(G_gam, fitting_data, type="lpmatrix")
M <- list(
sp=array(0,0), # penalties
bin=c(beta_min_max[1], -beta_min_max[2]),
C=matrix(0,0,0), # Matrix containing any linear equality constraints on the problem
M$Ain[1,] <- c(0,1,rep(0, knots)) # greater than constraint
M$Ain[2,] <- c(0,-1,rep(0, knots)) # less than constraint
M$p <- pcls(M)
new_X_matrix <- predict(G_gam,newdata=new_data,type="lpmatrix")
new_prediction = new_X_matrix %*% M$p
1$\begingroup$ It is unclear that this accomplishes what you want or why it would. Could you explain it or at least show an example in which it clearly succeeds in implementing a constraint? $\endgroup$– whuber ♦Commented Feb 23, 2023 at 15:22
y - x2 ~ s(x1, ...)
andy + x2 ~ s(x1, ...)
. Pick the better of the two. $\endgroup$