What is not right with a model that produces this kind of residual plot? Does it have to be discarded?
My data is egg production (counts, but cumulative) over a period of 55 days for 7 treatments+control with 10 replicates each
There are repeat measurements of the same individuals done over several days, and this is accounted for in the random factors, using a glmm model with family set to Poisson distribution. Dependent variable is discrete, the three fixed factors are categorical with 2 levels:
m1 <- glmer(n_cumulative ~ Pyrene*Temp*pH + (Days|ID), family = poisson, data = egg_production)
(i.e., every day, the cumulative count increases by that day's production, so on average by the average production), which you should account for in your data as a fixed effect, not only random. $\endgroup$