I'm running a multivariate growth model with two variables measured across 3 waves using lavaan/growth function.
Here's the model specification I'm using, with non-uniform time differences. Two variables here are "cyn" and "cms".
model.cms.cynic <- " icyn =~ 1*T1_Cynic + 1*T2_Cynic + 1*T3_Cynic
scyn=~ 0*T1_Cynic + 1*T2_Cynic + 5.8*T3_Cynic
icms =~ 1*T1_CMS + 1*T2_CMS + 1*T3_CMS
scms =~ 0*T1_CMS + 1*T2_CMS + 5.8*T3_CMS
scyn ~ icms
scms ~ icyn"
I was interested in looking at 1) associations between the two intercepts, 2) associations between the two slopes, and 3) whether an intercept for one variable predicts the slope of another variable.
My first question is whether the last two lines of my code adequately test my third research question.
My second question pertains to the results I got for the third question in tandem with the associations I found for the first two questions.
The results showed that the intercept of cms ("icms") negatively predicted the slope of cyn ("scyn"). That said, because I also observed that icms and icyn were positively associated, I'm not sure whether predicting scyn from the icyn needs to also control for the intercept of cms (icms), since
- higher icms predicted higher icyn,
- higher icyn would restrict the growth of cyn (=scyn) due to ceiling effect, which would
- contribute to the observed negative coefficient of icms predicting scyn (which could be considered as an artifact).
That is, I'm not sure whether I SHOULD specify the last two lines as follows:
scyn ~ icms + icyn
scms ~ icyn + icms
Is this reasoning correct, or unfounded? Does the growth curve model (based on my specification) take that ceiling effect into account already?