I was wondering if it is possible to train a model or algorithmn to identify a curve shape based on experimental data.
Say we have 3 treatments 0 mM sugar, 1 mM sugar and 10 mM sugar and three different bacterial strains: A (A.10.csv, A.1.csv, A.0.csv), B (B.10.csv, B.1.csv, B.0.csv) & C (C.10.csv, C.1.csv, C.0.csv).
A is chemotactic and swim outwards. B is non-chemotactic swims randomly and C is a mixture.
I'd then run the model/ learning algorithm on (test.10.csv, test.1.csv, test.0.csv) and it could suggest which strain it was most similar to ?
Here is the data https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k8-q3RhsVU08sMh5_spSCadfJPUUkR2b/view?usp=sharing