I'm new to mixed effect models, but I think I should use a crossed random effect model: V ~ A + (1|B) + (1|C) + (1|D) + (1|P). Could you please tell me if I'm right?
I ran an experiment with 10 participants. Each participant had to complete several trials. My analyses include:
- 1 continuous dependent variable V.
- 5 categorical independent variables : A (2 categories), B (8 categories), C (2 categories), D (2 categories), P (the participant, 10 categories). The combination of these 5 variables allow to uniquely describe each trial (e.g., trial X had: A category 1, B category 6, C category 1, D category 2, P participant 10).
To note, each participant had the same number of trials with each category of the variables B, C and D, BUT the number of trials with each of the two categories of the variable A differed between participants.
I'm interested in answering the question: does A affect V? But I want to control for the potential effects B, C, D and P might have on V.
Any help would be appreciated!