I am now writing my bachelors thesis and I have come across some difficulties. I am about to do some panel regressions with time and entity fixed effects and I would therefore like to use the plm package. But when I do add fixed effects and want to have heteroscedasticity robust standard errors they seem to be incorrect.
Does anyone know why the HC standard errors differ?
Here is my code
# Load data
# Load packages
# Create two models. The lm.model is a linear model and as the
# LAND variable is a factor variable representing countries
# (Land = Country in Swedish) this model will have entity fixed
# effects. In the plm.model the plm package is used and
# individual effects and within model is turned on (which is
# the same as entity fixed effects)
lm.model<-lm(NETTOSPARANDE ~ EURO + LAND, data=panel)
plm.model<-plm(NETTOSPARANDE ~ EURO, index=c("LAND","ÅR"), effect="individual", model="within", data=panel)
# When looking at the coefficents without heteroscadisity robust
# standard errors they are identical. They do also have the same
# value in stata.
# But when looking at the coefficents using heteroscadisity
# robust standard errors the lm.model and the plm.model produces
# different standard errors.
coeftest(lm.model, vcov.=vcovHC(lm.model, method="white2", type="HC1"))[1:2,]
coeftest(plm.model, vcov.=vcovHC(plm.model, method="white2", type="HC1"))
If you want to test the data it can be found here (the panel file) [1]: https://sourceforge.net/projects/emumoralhazard/files/ R-data
And here is my output
1> # Load data
1> load(file="panel")
1> attach(panel)
1> # Load packages
1> library(lmtest)
Loading required package: zoo
1> library(plm)
Loading required package: kinship
Loading required package: survival
Loading required package: splines
Loading required package: nlme
Loading required package: lattice
[1] "kinship is loaded"
Loading required package: Formula
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: sandwich
1> # Create two models. The lm.model is a linear model and as the
1> # LAND variabel is a factor variable representing countries
1> # (Land = Country in swedish) this model will have entity fixed
1> # effects. In the plm.model the plm package is used and
1> # individual effects and within model is turned on (which is
1> # the same as entity fixed effects)
1> lm.model<-lm(NETTOSPARANDE ~ EURO + LAND, data=panel)
1> plm.model<-plm(NETTOSPARANDE ~ EURO, index=c("LAND","ÅR"), effect="individual", model="within", data=panel)
1> # When looking at the coefficients without heteroscedasticity robust
1> # standard errors they are identical. They do also have the same
1> # value in Stata.
1> coeftest(lm.model)[1:2,]
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -3.731024 0.7731778 -4.825570 1.726921e-06
EURO1 2.187170 0.4076720 5.365024 1.112984e-07
1> coeftest(plm.model)
t test of coefficients:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
EURO1 2.18717 0.40767 5.365 1.113e-07 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
1> # But when looking at the coefficients using heteroscedasticity
1> # robust standard errors the lm.model and the plm.model produces
1> # different standard errors.
1> coeftest(lm.model, vcov.=vcovHC(lm.model, method="white2", type="HC1"))[1:2,]
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -3.731024 0.3551280 -10.506138 5.102122e-24
EURO1 2.187170 0.3386029 6.459395 2.009894e-10
1> coeftest(plm.model, vcov.=vcovHC(plm.model, method="white2", type="HC1"))
t test of coefficients:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
EURO1 2.18717 0.33849 6.4615 1.983e-10 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1