I have a database called dat1. Each participant (id) had multiple measurements. One of the variables measures type of the stress called stress_type (acute=0, chronic =1) and another variable is the stressful level of the stressor (continuous variable 0-3).
I wanted to examine the effect of the stressor type, stressful level and interaction of type*level of stress on depression. I disentangled stress_type and stress level variables to get the within and between person mean, and calculated the within and between interaction as well.
mean_stress_type_rec = between person mean of stress type
mean_stress_level = between person mean of stress level
cent_stress_type_rec = within person mean of stress type
cent_stress_level = within person mean of stress level
I ran the following model:
res_intvsnonint_levels_int_nopleas <- lme(dep ~ mean_stress_type_rec * mean_stress_level +
cent_stress_type_rec * cent_stress_level,
random = ~ cent_stress_type_rec + cent_stress_level _rec + obs_cent1 | id, data=dat1,
control=lmeControl(maxIter=1000, msMaxIter=1000, niterEM=1000, sing.tol=1e-20))
I found a very marginal interaction at the between level:
Coef. SE 95% CI t-value p
Fixed effects
Intercept 29.28 4.42 20.61 – 37.96 6.62 <0.001
Time -0.07 0.03 -0.13 – -0.01 -2.43 0.015
Type - between 4.46 6.47 -8.36 – 17.27 0.69 0.492
Type - within 0.41 0.59 -0.74 – 1.56 0.7 0.484
Level - between 2.14 2.6 -3.01 – 7.29 0.82 0.413
Level - within 0.41 0.35 -0.27 – 1.10 1.18 0.237
Type*Level - between-8.21 4.13 -16.40 – -0.03 -1.99 0.048
Type*Level - within 0.6 0.79 -0.96 – 2.16 0.76 0.448
I don't know what then I should do to further examine the between-level interaction. I'd appreciate your help.