I'm assessing whether the relative abundance of bacterial communities are different across two treatments.
I have a control (n=3), a food compost treatment (n=3) and a biosolid compost treatment (n=3) that were added at three different timepoints (spring21, summer21, spring22). I want to determine if there are changes in the microbial community at different timepoints, treatments or an interaction of the two.
When I run a PERMONOVA there are significant differences for the timepoint and treatment factors but not an interaction of the two. I can also identify differences between different timepoints and treatments (Food compost is different than controls, spring21 is different than summer21, etc.) using pairwise comparisons. However, I also want to know if there is a particular sample (not which bacterium) that is responsible for these differences, one that is hugely different from the others. Which statistical test should I use?