One of the most important reasons to add covariates into a regression model is to explain residual variation in the outcome, and so increase precision in parameter estimates from the model.
So if the covariates "Age Group" and "Day of Week" help to explain residual variance in the outcome measure then your confidence intervals could be smaller than in the crude model.
Consider for example a paired vs an unpaired test. We know that we should expect more precise results (smaller confidence intervals) when we can explain variance using pairing, and you can think of this as if the pairing factor is a covariate being added to a regression model.
Here's a quick simulation of a parameter estimate (for the effect of x
on y
) becoming more precise when a covariate (z
) is added to a model:
z <- rnorm(1000)
x <- rnorm(1000)
y = x + z + rnorm(1000)
m1 = lm(y ~ x)
m2 = lm(y ~ x+z)
modelsummary::modelplot(list("Crude"=m1,"Adjusted"=m2),coef_omit = c(-2))
On the other hand, as @whuber points out in the comments, it's possible that adding a covariate will increase the standard errors. Here is a similar situation, but now the covariate z
affects the predictor x
but has no independent effect on y
. If we control for z
in our regression estimating the effect of x
on y
then the precision will be lower:
z <- rnorm(1000)
x <- rnorm(1000) + z
y = x + rnorm(1000)
m3 = lm(y ~ x)
m4 = lm(y ~ x+z)
modelsummary::modelplot(list("Crude"=m3,"Adjusted"=m4),coef_omit = c(-2))
In your case I think the former situation is more likely (although that's down to your understanding of the theory). Adding age group and day of week seems likely to explain variation in suicide rate, but can't really be confounders or explanatory factors for the year
variable. So I would guess you'd get more precise estimates of the year effect from the second model.