I am new to Mahalanobis distance matching and trying to see for information on how I can assess whether the matches I got using Mahalanobis matching are good matches.
gen long matchD3 = .
mahapick hhh_age55older hhh_edu nfemale1859 nmale1859 nmale05 nmale615 nmale61up nfemale05
nfemale615 nfemale61up x1_17, idvar(a01) treated(program)pickids(matchD3) ///
genfile(matchD3) matchon(hhh_sex wealth provincename) score
After I executed the above stata commands, I merged and stacked all the necessary files together, and now I would like to evaluate whether my treated observations and all their matches are sound.
Can someone please guide me on how to do this? I know for PSM we have to check the common support, balance, and etc to make sure if meets the PSM assumptions. For Mahalanobis, I am unsure of what post-matching method to take in order to check the quality of my resulting matches. Any guidance you may have will be helpful. Thank you!