I am running a binary logistic regression in SPSS. My sample size is 906, but the event of interest is only observed 66 times (so ~7% of the sample). I read several threads on this site and posts from Dr. Frank Harrell about rare event logistic regression, but still have a few questions.
The overall model of my regression is significant and several variables are significant. However, my concern is with the classification table. The overall classification in Block 0 is 94.2% (predicted 0 events occurring, which makes sense due to the low frequency). After running the model, the classification becomes 94.1%, but predicts several events occurring. This is with the cut at 0.5. If I adjust the cut to be 0.2 (which I read on another thread on this site for rare event logistic regressions), the overall classification drops from 94.2% in Block 0 to 91.6% in Block 1. I currently have 7 variables in my model, however this could be reduced if needed.
My overall question is: How do I balance interpreting the overall classification table with the regression results (odds ratio, p-value, etc. of the variables used in the regression)? I am concerned that since the overall classification table did not improve after running the regression that I cannot use the results from the model.
Could the low frequency of the event be influencing the classification table, but the regression results are still usable?
Thank you very much for any guidance!