I have a dataset with biomass, dbh, height, wood density, site, and species. As data were not normally distributed, I converted biomass, dbh and wd using the log()
function. Then I developed a linear mixed model using the lmer()
function in R Studio. I kept biomass as the response variable and the remaining other parameters as the fixed and random effects as shown below:
lmer(B~D + H + WD +(1|species) + (1|site)
Now, the problem I am facing is how to back-transform the model in order to calculate the bias and correction factor. In linear regression, we can back-transform by using exp()
, but in my case, I don't have any idea. I went into lots of tutorials but these tutorials cannot solve my problem. Additionally, how do I perform train/test splits and cross-validation on my lmer
model using caret()
This is the first time I am developing a model and I am not from a statistics background. Can anyone please help me out?