I've scraped a set of data, and I was wandering what the best way to start analyzing it was. My initial thoughts were to use a multi y axis graph, like this:
The reason I was thinking about a multi axis graph was because if they were using the same axis some of the data would be way overstretched for the axis. That is, some of the data sets are 10-100 others are 10,000-100,000, but I wasn't sure if this is best suited.
I'm comparing tweet sentiment of a particular stock, to the performance of that stock, I've got up to 7 data sets to compare -
- tweet volume
- sentiment-pos
- sentiment-nue
- sentiment-neg
- stock trade volume
- stock buy price
- stock sell price
Any idea of the best way to visualize this, is to allow me to view patterns and correlations?
Also is this usually done on a chart or can it be done by running VBA
or other scripting language to find correlations in the data?