I have a Cox model with time dependent variables as follows, where ibd is a categorical variable with 3 levels. However, I am not sure why there is a NA for regression coefficient in the last level of "ibd". When I reorder the levels, it is still the third level that is NA.
coxph(formula = Surv(adm_start, adm_end, adm_outcome == 1) ~
adm + ibd + MontrealA + decade + prevadm, data = adm_cox,
cluster = ID)
n= ..., number of events= 169
coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se z Pr(>|z|)
adm1 2.492000 12.085419 0.732874 0.744455 3.347 0.000816 ***
ibdnon-IBD -1.500172 0.223092 0.180067 0.185680 -8.079 6.51e-16 ***
ibdIBD NA NA 0.000000 0.000000 NA NA
MontrealAA2 -0.359413 0.698086 0.231540 0.239495 -1.501 0.133430
MontrealAA3 -0.545712 0.579429 0.269156 0.274694 -1.987 0.046965 *
decade1980+ -0.816816 0.441836 0.198816 0.212263 -3.848 0.000119 ***
decade1990+ -1.136621 0.320901 0.223769 0.233220 -4.874 1.10e-06 ***
decade2000+ -1.724058 0.178341 0.300258 0.325774 -5.292 1.21e-07 ***
decade2010+ -1.997544 0.135668 0.545032 0.563526 -3.545 0.000393 ***
prevadm 0.067405 1.069728 0.003267 0.003433 19.636 < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
On cross tabulation data is sparse on the first level for "ibd" predictor variable, but I still don't understand why the third level would be missing? Also, I am particularly interested in the coefficient of the third level, is there a way I could recode this variable so that it gives me a coefficient?
> table(adm_cox$ibd,adm_cox$adm_outcome,useNA="ifany")
0 1 2
None 14422 <3 269
non-IBD 111869 57 4208
IBD 47842 110 646