I have the following distribution $$ \begin{align} \boldsymbol \pi&\sim\text{Dirichlet}([1,\cdots 1]\in R^K)\\ \boldsymbol \theta&\sim P(\boldsymbol \theta) \\ \mathbf y&\sim \sum _{i=1}^K\pi_i\text{Joint}(\theta_k) \end{align} $$ This is a Bayesian Mixture Model specified by the mixing weights $\pi_i$, paramaters $\theta_i$, and number of components $K$.
After sampling 5 chains from an HMC, the samples for $\boldsymbol \pi\in R^{5\times K}$ is not identifiable. In other words, if there are three dominant values for $\pi_i,\pi_j,\pi_k$ when $K=5$, these three dominants would be jumbled in different combinations.
This would cause MCMC diagnostics like r hat to give wrong values. In fact, MCMC diagnostics would give a nearly uniform distribution as the mean of the HMC sampled $\boldsymbol \pi$.
How do I perform diagnostics? Do i simply run a single but very large number of chain samples and split these ?
For example, sample $1000$ samples using an HMC sampler and split these into five $200$ samples and pass these into a MCMC diagnostics function?