This question is based slightly on
Given a variable $X$, let $A_j$ be the average of $X_1$ through $X_j$, and consider the maximum $M(k,n)$ of the averages $A_k$ through $A_n$. What is the distribution of $M(k,n)$, and what are its mean, variance, skew and kurtosis?
Example using Mathematica and the standard normal distribution:
(* Generate 10 numbers from the standard normal distribution *)
In[4]:= t0 = RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[], 10]
Out[4]= {1.1326638767757509, 1.3721132237125009, 0.23425376432530973,
0.20784973932824719, -0.5254057319068096, -0.6022325311764837,
-1.5923278708572994, 0.7216000821527218, -0.9347445208908779,
(* compute the running sum and then divide it to get the running average *)
In[9]:= t1 = Accumulate[t0]/Table[i,{i,1,10}]
Out[9]= {1.1326638767757509, 1.2523885502441259, 0.913010288271187,
0.7367201510354521, 0.48429497444699976, 0.30320705684308585,
0.03241635288588797, 0.1185643190442422, 0.0015300034958955178,
(* find the max of the 7th through 10th element *)
In[11]:= t2 = Max[Take[t1, {7, 10}]]
Out[11]= 0.118564
If you repeat the above a million times (not shown, but more code below), the resulting list has a mean of 0.109603, a variance of 0.114528, a skew of 0.0605243, and a kurtosis of 3.03414. Of course, results vary since these are random trials.
Here's the Mathematica code to compute for any distribution, any values of k and n and a given number of runs. It returns the mean, variance, skew and kurtosis I describe above, as well as those values for the original distribution for reference.
g[dist_, k_, n_, runs_] := Module[{vals},
vals = Table[Max[Take[Accumulate[Table[RandomVariate[dist], {i, 1, n}]]/
Table[i, {i, 1, n}], {k, n}]], {j, 1, runs}];
Return[{exp -> {mean -> Mean[vals], var -> Variance[vals],
skew -> Skewness[vals], kurt -> Kurtosis[vals]},
base -> {mean -> Mean[dist], var -> Variance[dist],
skew -> Skewness[dist], kurt -> Kurtosis[dist]}}]]
(* sample usage *)
In[14]:= g[NormalDistribution[], 7, 10, 10^6]
{exp -> {mean -> 0.10960304779225989, var -> 0.11452773128641285,
skew -> 0.060524316866107375, kurt -> 3.0341431199559623},
base -> {mean -> 0, var -> 1, skew -> 0, kurt -> 3}}
Is there a general formula here as runs -> infinity?
NOTE: I'm aware this is a type of ordered probability distribution, but I haven't seen any results for this exact question.