I'm working in Stata with a Cox model and I have a dataset in counting process style (multiple records per subject). Each observation per subject has covariants that could potentially be different depending on the time (eg. diversity in quarter 1 vs quarter 10). Not sure if this would qualify as time varying covariates or if the coefficients are just time changing, as it changes across time but not as a function of time rather due to changes in the team (joiners and leavers).
However, it is unclear to me that given this I still need to interact the variable which changes across time with time itself (in Stata for example using the tvc option) or if this is already accounted for. Furthermore do I still need to check for the PH assumption for these time-varying covariates.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Edit: I am using a Cox Proportional Hazard Model. Tvc is an option in STATA to identify time-varying covariates, namely identify it to be interacted with time.