Ordinary linear regression
Regression coefficients are computed using a linear sum of the observations, you can write it as a matrix multiplication.
$$\hat{\beta} = M \cdot y$$
where $M = (X^TX)^{-1}X^T$. Therefore you will get
$$\hat{\beta}_{y_1} = M \cdot (y_2+y_3) = M \cdot y_2 + M \cdot y_3 = \hat{\beta}_{y_2} + \hat{\beta}_{y_3}$$
Other types of regression
For other types of regression this distributive property does not need to hold.
Code demonstration
x = 1:10
y2 = rexp(10,1/x)
y3 = rexp(10,1/x)
y1 = y2 + y3
glm(y1 ~ x, family = Gamma)$coefficients
glm(y2 ~ x, family = Gamma)$coefficients +
glm(y3 ~ x, family = Gamma)$coefficients
#(Intercept) x
# 0.140085438 -0.007893727
#(Intercept) x
# 0.62397301 -0.03852544
lm(y1 ~ x)$coefficients
lm(y2 ~ x)$coefficients +
lm(y3 ~ x)$coefficients
#(Intercept) x
# 5.8173249 0.9380105
#(Intercept) x
# 5.8173249 0.9380105