I am trying to use GLMMs models to analysis the morbidity status of child (yes or no) with mother’s demographic and environmental factors like
- Wealth with factors ("Lower quartiles”,"Middle quartiles") and “Higher quartiles"
- Residence (Urban" and Rural")
- Education ("Never attended”, “Primary education", “Secondary education", "Above secondary education")
- Marital status (“Married or with partner", Widowed or divorced”, ” Never married"))
- Age (Age between 15-24”, “Age between 25-34", "Age above 34")
- Parity (“Zero Parity", “Parity between 1 and 2", “Parity between 3 and 4”, Parity above 5")
The following is r code formula that I try to fix determine the model
Fit1<-glmer (Morbidity~Wealth+Residencey+education+Marital+Age+Parity +(1|region)+(1|participant_id),family=binomial,data=M)
Dear respected professionals, I try to use GLMMs model, Then I face a bit more serious problems on the following issues like
Q1. How many interaction is possible between the given independent variables and how can specify it? If I try to test the interaction between certain variables, it is honestly insignificance.
Q2. The appropriate R code to plot the interaction effect between variables two variable and the responsice variable, morbidity. If somebody can help me on it, I can’t thank you enough your quick response.