Suppose we are interested in the percentage effect of a binary $D \in \{0,1\}$ on an outcome $Y \in \mathbb{R}$, which might motivate a simple regression of the form: $$ \log Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 D + \epsilon $$ Since $\beta_1$ may be interpreted as the marginal effect of $D$ on $\log Y$ (which is not very helpful), we might wish to consider inference on $e^{\beta_1}$ which represents a multiplicative factor - i.e. if $D=1$, then we expect the outcome to change by a factor of $e^{\beta_1}$, or a percentage change of $100 * (e^{\beta_1}-1)$.
Now suppose we know that $$ \sqrt{n}(\hat{\beta}_1 - \beta_1) \to^d \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2) $$ By the Delta Method, this implies $$ \sqrt{n}(e^{\hat{\beta}_1} - e^{\beta_1}) \to^d \mathcal{N}(0, e^{2\beta_1}\sigma^2) $$ Thus confidence intervals for $e^{\beta_1}$ at a $\alpha=0.05$ significance level may be obtained by $$ \Big[ \frac{ e^{\hat{\beta}_1} }{ 1+\frac{\hat{\sigma}}{\sqrt{n}}z_{1-\alpha/2} }, \frac{ e^{\hat{\beta}_1} }{ 1+\frac{\hat{\sigma}}{\sqrt{n}}z_{\alpha/2} } \Big] $$ where $z$ are the critical values from the quantile of a standard normal.
Would someone mind checking this calculation? It looks a bit strange as it is asymmetric, but perhaps that's just the nature of the log-exp transform.