I'm doing a personal project and would like to see if High Caloric Food has a statistical significance on Weight Level.
I've tried Chi Squared Contingency test as suggested by chatgpt but it gives a p-value of 1 which fails to reject null hypothesis that there is no association between High Caloric Food and Weight Level. Visually I can see that High Caloric Food does increase the Obesity Count.
What test should I use in this scenario?
weight_order = ['Normal_Weight', 'Overweight_Level_II', 'Insufficient_Weight', 'Overweight_Level_I', 'Obesity_Type_I', 'Obesity_Type_II', 'Obesity_Type_III']
df[['High Caloric Food Freq', 'Weight Level']].groupby('High Caloric Food Freq').value_counts(normalize=True).reindex(weight_order, level=1).unstack()
I've normalized the data since the 'yes' to High Caloric Food count is almost 3x greater than 'no'.
Here is what the table looks like:
Edit: sorry for the confusion. The numbers represent the proportion of each weight level that answered 'no' or 'yes' to frequent High Calorie food consumption. For example, 32.24% who have answered 'no' to frequent high calorie consumption have a normal weight.