I am conducting a genetic analysis comparing Fst and relatedness coefficient values between male and female animals across years from 2013-2019. Each year is divided into quarters, so I have a total of 40 quarter-year categories. Each year has a varying number of individuals, and the number of males and females are not equal in each year. I want to see if values for the sexes differ within and between each quarter year. I am using R so I did a linear model (Fst ~ Sex*Year) and then did ANOVA on the model with a Tukey posthoc test to see the comparisions between the sexes within each quarter year.
Fst.test = lm(Fst ~ Sex*Year, data = Fst)
Fst.aov = aov(Fst.test)
Fst.posthoc = TukeyHSD(Fst.aov)
Many of my posthoc comparisions of the sexes within each quarter-year were not significantly different, even though the values looks quite different. So I chose a few at random and did a standard t-test, and they were signficiant that way.
What stats should I be doing here? Is ANOVA and Tukey posthoc tests the best way or should I be doing multiple t-tests for each quarter with some kind of correction? If so, which correction, I remember doing a Bonferroni years ago...