I'm a medical student performing my final degree thesis, so sorry in advance for my little knowledge in stats.
I'm performing a retrospective study on the surgical field where I want to evaluate the development of a anal fistula after the debridement of an anal abscess. At first, I thought about doing a survival analysis (and I even started to do so). However, I don't know if it makes sense, since when the wound is cured (a fistula is not formed), the patients are generally discharged from surgical controls. This cured patients have a little follow-up period compared to the ones where symptoms persist and are eventually diagnosed with a fistula. This generates a lot of early right-censoring in my Kaplan-Meier plots, and I believe that the results on my Cox regression model are biased because of that.
It would make more sense If I used Chi squared, Student T or Mann-Whitney-U tests for the univariant analysis and binary logistic regression for the multivariant analysis?
Thanks in advance!