I am currently trying to understand the analysis of strip-plots (in R) and I came across the example described here (https://www.statforbiology.com/_statbookeng/a-brief-intro-to-mixed-models):
dataset <- read.csv("https://www.casaonofri.it/_datasets/recropS.csv")
## Herbicide Crop Block CropBiomass
## 1 Check soyabean 1 199.0831
## 2 Check soyabean 2 257.3081
## 3 Check soyabean 3 345.5538
## 4 Check soyabean 4 210.8574
## 5 rimsulfuron soyabean 1 225.5651
## 6 rimsulfuron soyabean 2 195.3952
dataset$Herbicide <- factor(dataset$Herbicide)
dataset$Crop <- factor(dataset$Crop)
dataset$Block <- factor(dataset$Block)
dataset$Rows <- factor(dataset$Crop:dataset$Block)
dataset$Columns <- factor(dataset$Herbicide:dataset$Block)
in the strip-plot design, the rows are main plots for columns and vice versa (in analogy to split plots). "each row is uniquely defined by a specific block and crop and each column is uniquely defined by a specific herbicide and block". So far I think I understand.
The model is then fitted as such (still from https://www.statforbiology.com/_statbookeng/a-brief-intro-to-mixed-models):
model.strip <- lmer(CropBiomass ~ Block + Herbicide*Crop +
(1|Rows) + (1|Columns), data = dataset)
anova(model.strip, ddf = "Kenward-Roger")
## Type III Analysis of Variance Table with Kenward-Roger's method
## Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F value Pr(>F)
## Block 21451 7150.3 3 4.1367 2.5076 0.19387
## Herbicide 148 147.9 1 3.0000 0.0519 0.83450
## Crop 43874 21936.9 2 6.0000 7.6932 0.02208 *
## Herbicide:Crop 12549 6274.4 2 6.0000 2.2004 0.19198
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
In the model specification
~Block + Herbicide * Crop + (1|Rows) + (1|Columns), data = dataset)
the block is stated as a fixed effect. As I percieve it, the block is already considered for in the Row and in the Column variable. Is it only specified in the fixed effects, because there is also a special interest in the specific differences between blocks? And if I would consider the block as a raondom effect, would it just add the term+ (1|Block)
to the model? i.e. `lmer(CropBiomass ~ Herbicide*Crop + (1|Rows) + (1|Columns) + (1|Block), data = dataset)If there would be an additional fixed effect (e.g. repeating the experiment exactly the same way for 3 years, considering the years as fixed (factorial) effect), would the model then be
CropBiomass ~ Herbicide * Crop * Year + (1|Rows) + (1|Columns) + (1|Block)
If there were subsamples/pseudoreplicates in each plot (e.g. a plot with specific Herbicide application and specific Crop has 2 plants, and the biomass of each individual plant is measured), how would the model look like? would it be
CropBiomass ~ Herbicide * Crop * Year + (1|Rows) + (1|Columns) + (1|Block:PlotID)
I am glad for any help to further understand the analysis of split plots, thank you!