To test the goodness of fit of modelled event probabilities $\bar{P}=\{P_{1},...,P_{g}\}\in(0,1)^{G}$ for binomially distributed $G\in\mathbb{N}^{+}$ grades, I’ve applied the HL (Hosmer-Lemeshow) test as follows:
Note that for $G$ grades, $\bar{P}$ is initially based on a multivariate logistic regression and is monotonically increasing.
Let $P_{g}$ be the modelled event probability, $N_{g}\in\mathbb{N}^{+}$ the number of observations and $O_{g}\in\mathbb{N}^{+}$ the number of outcomes (naturally $O_{g}\leq N_{g}$) for grade $g\in\{1,…,G\}$
For each grade $g$ sample $M\in\mathbb{N}^{+}$ times $\hat{O}_{g}\sim B(N_{g},P_{g})$ and check (either visually or based on e.g. total variation distance) whether the HL test statistic $$H = \sum^{G}_{g=1}\Big(\frac{(O_{g}-N_{g}P_{g})^{2}}{N_{g}P_{g}}+\frac{(N_{g}-O_{g}-(N_{g}-N_{g}P_{g}))^{2}}{N_{g}-N_{g}P_{g}}\Big)$$ follows a $\chi^{2}$ distribution with $G$, $G-1$ or $G-2$ degrees of freedom for large enough $M$
Compute the p-value of $H$ based on $\bar{O}=\{O_{1},...,O_{g}\}$, $\bar{N}=\{N_{1},...,N_{g}\}$ and $\bar{P}$ using a $\chi^{2}$ distribution with $G$, $G-1$ or $G-2$ degrees of freedom depending on step 2
Sampling in step 2 demonstrates that $H$ follows a $\chi^{2}$ distribution with $G$ degrees of freedom when $M\rightarrow\infty$ – which I expect as $H$ follows the sum of $G$ squared standard normal random variables – however, literature states that the expected degrees of freedom is either $G-2$ or $G-1$ in some special cases (Wikipedia and Surjanovic & Loughin, Oct/23 – most recent article I found containing all necessary references). I believe this is because the above test is different from the HL test; however, after setting $\bar{P}$ such that it follows the curve of a logistic regression according to $$P_{g}=\frac{1}{1+e^{-(g-\mu)/s}}$$ with $G=10$ and, location- and scale parameters $\mu=5.5$ and $s=1$, $G$ degrees of freedom still applies. How does the test above deviate from the HL test (as described on the Wikipedia page)?