There are simple relationships for the bounds of $\lambda$ where you get all coefficients zero and where you get none of the coefficients zero.
A demonstration of the above formula's with some code
### generate some data
n = 50
m = 20
X = matrix(rnorm(m*n),n)
y = rnorm(n)
### perform lasso
mod = lars(X,y, intercept = 0, normalize = 0)
nonzero = rowSums(mod$beta^2 > 0)
lambda = mod$lambda
lambda = c(lambda[1]+1,lambda) # add one additional point
### plot the number of nonzero estimated coefficients
### as function of lambda
plot(lambda,nonzero, log ="x", type = "s")
### upper bound above which all coefficients are zero
l_max = max(abs(t(X) %*% y))
lines(l_max*c(1,1), c(-1,m+1), lty = 2, col = 2)
### lower bound below which all coefficients are non-zero
mod = lm(y~0+X)
beta = mod$coefficients
bl = - solve(t(X)%*%X) %*% sign(beta)
bln = bl/sum(bl*sign(beta))
br = beta/bln
d = min(br[br>0])
l_min = sum((X %*% bln)^2)*d
lines(l_min*c(1,1), c(-1,m+1), lty = 2, col = 2)
A simple algorithm to compute the path of solutions to LASSO is least angle regression.
A difficulty to compute directly the value of the penalty $\lambda$ where a particular coefficient becomes non-zero is that it depends on which other coëfficiënts are already non-zero.
This is because of correlations between the coefficients, which makes that the increase of one coefficient can reduce the effect of another. For example one may get even a situation where a coefficient reduces in magnitude as we decrease the penalty (Why under joint least squares direction is it possible for some coefficients to decrease in LARS regression?). Sometimes a coefficient can change from positive to negative (cross zero) as we change the penalty parameter ( and the number of non-zero components as function of the penalty parameter can be a non-monotonic function.
It is easy to compute the points in the paths when either:
We only look at the beginning or the end, as is done in this answer.
When there are no correlations between the regressors, as is done in the answer by EdM.