For my analysis, I'm interested in a particular subset from a non-normally distributed population. I would therefore like to generate a sample from that population. The sample will have drastically different mean/variance and has a "known" shape that may itself be normal, "seminormal" (looking normal-ish but not a smooth bellcurve), or, more likely, something else entirely.
Currently, I am constructing my sample by taking multiple (arbitrarily constructed) subsamples of varying shapes and combining those until I get the desired "known" shape. I'm providing a quick sketch to illustrate the idea. The analysis is not actually about sleep, I just chose something to contextualize the units/shape.
Hopefully you can see that if you combined subsamples 1,2,3 you will approach something that approximates the Goal Distribution. I've drawn a random shape, but the goal could also be normal or seminormal.
With all that background, my question is simply: does this process have a name and/or is it reasonable? In case this is a very common thing that I'm just not aware of, I would love to know some packages in R/Python that can help with this since I don't just need one such sample, but multiple, each with different shapes.
From what I understand it is a similar concept to this post, but they are looking for a distribution that is at least similar and I am looking for something that is completely different.