I have read this answer already "removing-censored-observation". I understand that removing censored data induce a bias in the analysis. But I have somehow a specific case.
I am just interested into compare discriminative power of two models w.r.t to independant (of training) test data in a survival analysis setting.
I have two possibilities for concordance index.
The first is to use Uno's concordance index that takes into account distribution of censoring on training data. I don't really understand how it works. I don't have access of one of the model's training data.
The other one is to accept that the bias exists but it's the same for both. A first tricky thing is that the behavior of the model is not independent to this bias. But it looks very unlikely. A second one would be that the population the models aims to screen on a, has a subset of patient that behave in certain way that is both linked to the outcome (Event), with the censoring process. Which also looks unlikely.
I am a beginner as a statistician. I hope you will forgive my unscientific way of thinking. But is there a way to prove that I'm right or wrong and if so. What should I do ?
The goal is to evaluate deep learning model for long term cancer risk diagnosis based on lung radiography