for a video summarization project i use the features of each frame as input to predict if some of these frames are included in the summary or not.
one of the famous implementations i found had treated this task as a regression task but it used a sigmoid output with f-score as evaluation metric and MSE loss.
the problem is that i have read online that MSE_Loss is only used for regression tasks when the target is continuous set of numbers.
- target values in this case are scores of the frames from 0.0 to 1.0 and the predictions are also set of probability distributions for each video.
fscore is then derived by doing a knapsack to pick the best representative group of scores convert them to 1's and the other groups are converted to 0's then it is compared with a binary summary.
my question is it wrong to use MSE in such case as it clearly looks like a classification problem not a regression one unless i don't really have full understanding of the relation between regression and this task.
[ .443,.345,.342,....,.877]
then these probabilities are processed with the changepoints in video like video segments to give scores to each segment and finally use a (knapsack w/ 15-20 proportion) to keep the most representative segments in the final summary with true values and the unwanted ones with false values. $\endgroup$