Here's another way of expressing "added value": the likelihood ratios ($LR^+$ and $LR^-$).
If your model predicts "positive", $LR^+$ tells you how much the odds increase, that the case you predict is truely positive.
In other words, $\text{odds after testing} = \text{odds before testing} \cdot LR^+$. Likewise, if the test predicts negative, use $LR^-$ to multiply the pre-test odds with ($LR^-$ is < 1, if the test is any good).
Here's how they are calculated forom sensitivity and specificity:
$LR^+ = \frac{\text{sensitivity}}{1 - \text{specificity}}$;
$LR^- = \frac{1 - \text{sensitivity}}{\text{specificity}}$
The great thing about these likelihood ratios is that they quantify the amount of information towards "positive" the test gives you and at the same time
they are independent of the prevalence (relative frequency) of positives in the tested population.
Of course, if you know the prevalence of positives in your test population, you may directly go on and calculate positive and negative predictive values
In any case, if you interpret the ROC make sure you are talking about a working point, i.e. a (sensitivity; specificity)-pair, that actually makes sense for your application.
Personally, I hardly ever think about AUC and focus instead of parts of the curve that are sensible for the application.