Building on this question:
Confidence interval and sample size multinomial probabilities
In a binomial confidence interval, a 90% two-sided CI corresponds to a 95% one-sided CI. The question above illustrates that each multinomial proportion can be treated as a binomial (that category, vs. not that category) and a CI constructed using the same formulas that work for a binomial. What I am curious about is whether the relationship between the two-sided and one-sided CIs holds true in the multinomial application of the binomial CI formulas.
Do I just have to follow the procedure in the linked post to establish 90% two-sided CIs, upon which I have 95% confidence that the true probability of each value is strictly greater than the lower bound or strictly less than the upper bound of that two-sided CI? Are there any other considerations?
Also, from my understanding, the Wald approximation is not great particularly for probabilities close to 0 or 1, and Clopper-Pearson is better. Is there some existing Python implementation from say statsmodels that statisticians rely on for this purpose?