Which strategies can be applied to the model such that the residuals become more normally distributed?
Make better predictions.
The heavy tails of your residuals exist because you do a poor job of predictig values. Residuals are large in magnitude because your model predictions badly miss the true values.
Knock it off! Make better predictions!
Now, it may be that, despite all of your efforts, you cannot tighten up the predictions past a certain point and that you are left with heavy tails. Fortunately, OLS is rather robust to deviations from the Gaussian ideal. This robustness is not perfect and can be broken (convergence theorems are, after all, limit theorems that do not apply to finite samples), but a large sample size is often enough to handle many deviations from the Gaussian ideal. A possible check of this is to bootstrap and check how your bootstrap parameter distributions compare to the theoretical distributions based on a Gaussian likelihood.
If that is not enough, there are a few alternatives.
Proportional odds ordinal models do not make a Gaussian assumption. These models generalize Wilcoxon and Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric tests.
Fit a model that minimizes absolute loss instead of square loss. Confidence intervals can be calculated using bootstrap. All of this is available in the R package quantreg
. Frank Harrell has argued that this is not very efficient and tends to support proportional odds ordinal models, but this may be easier to interpret.
Use a method-of-moments or generalized method-of-moments estimator. Bootstrap is viable for calculating confidence intervals, and there might be alternatives if you scour the literature on (G)MM for fixed-effects regressions. (G)MM estimators are rather common in econometrics when the author does not want to commit to a likelihood for maximum likelihood estimation, such as you not wanting to commit to a Gaussian likelihood.
For inference, I need a normal distribution of the residuals.
Why? $\endgroup$