I have some polygons that look for example like this:
If I zoom in very close on one side, you can see the noise.
The data is a list of x coordinates and a corresponding list of y coordinates.
I want an algorithm that will find a much smaller, simpler, less noisy list of coordinates.
I figured that the sides of the polygon are a sequential list of linear equations.
I read about Lasso and decided to try that.
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xs_name = "xs.txt"
ys_name = "ys.txt"
xs = np.loadtxt(xs_name).reshape(-1, 1)
ys = np.loadtxt(ys_name).reshape(-1, 1)
reg = Lasso(alpha=0.1)
reg.fit(xs, ys)
For reference the xs and ys look like this:
However I only get one coefficient
Out [31]: array([0.82647029])
I expected to get a list of coefficients, for each line identified.
I feel like I have conceptually missed something. I'm not even sure Lasso is the right tool for this job.
Does anyone know how I can correctly use Lasso, or alternatively point me to the correct tool for the job.
I also thought it was worth mentioning that group lasso also got a mention in the survey paper for the ruptures library
To be clear, the zoomed in area is circled in red
I've had a little success trying an autoregressive model in R
xs <- read.table('xs.txt', sep="\n")
ys <- read.table('ys.txt', sep="\n")
xs <- as.numeric(as.character(unlist(xs)))
ys <- as.numeric(as.character(unlist(ys)))
fastcp_xs <- fastcpd::fastcpd.ar(xs, 3, r.progress = FALSE)
However it seems like the success of this approach may have been mostly luck in this case, as trying this on more data revealed bad results.
Trying the same method on the ys:
fastcp_ys <- fastcpd::fastcpd.ar(ys, 3, r.progress = FALSE)
The autoregressive model was unable to detect the edges for the ys.
The other routines in the fastcpd library seemed to give similarly bad results in my case.
I'm currently thinking my best bet is some form of lasso algorithm. Since the concept of lasso is to fit a sequence of straight lines.
This may turn into a linear programming problem. Maybe I will need to resort to using something like pyomo?