
The average score of my class of students at the beginning of the year was 50/100 and at the end of the year, it was 80/100.

The percentage growth is 60%.

Can I write there is 1.6x growth in average scores? Or is it 0.6x growth in average scores?

Is there anyway I can phrase the growth in a way that allows me to use 1.6x?


1 Answer 1


Honestly, it's just 4 numbers, you can't beat just reporting those.

That said, you might also say:

  • Scores were $1.6\times$ better
  • Scores improved by $30$ percentage points
  • Scores improved by $60\%$ (percent)

Still, I would end all of those sentences with "... from $50$ to $80\%$," to avoid any confusion over the meaning.


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