Suppose $F$ is the CDF of a real valued random variable. I know that $F(- \infty) = 0$, because the RV cannot take a value less than that.
But I was thinking of an RV whose value for sure comes from, say, $[0, 1]$. Is it necessary that $F(0)$ be 0? More specifically, can I have some sort of a "point mass" at $x = 0$, so that the CDF is zero for $x < 0$, some number $k \in (0, 1)$ at 0 and then is continuous till it reaches 1 before or at 1?
What would be the associated PDF? I imagining a form like this: $\delta(x) + f(x)$, with $\delta$ being the Dirac-delta function. But how do I specify the exact value of $k$ on a PDF formulation? Is this even correct?