I was just reading the Wikipedia page on omitted variable bias: [wiki for OVB][1], and I was confused by one of the main claims of the page, which is that the expected omitted variable bias is 0 iff the omitted variables have zero correlation with any of the regressors.
However, the equation they give for the omitted variable bias is: $$\widehat{\beta}= \beta +(X'X)^{-1}X'z\gamma + (X'X)^{-1}X'\epsilon, $$
where $X$ is our $N \times p$ matrix of p regression variables, $z$ is our $N \times 1$ omitted variable, $\widehat{\beta}$ are the coefficient estimates with $z$ omitted, $\beta$ are the estimates with $z$ included, $\gamma$ is the regression coefficient for $z$ in the full regression, and $\epsilon$ is the residual.
Contrary to what the article says, this equation appears to say that there will be expected omitted variable bias as long as the inner product $X'z$ is nonzero, NOT when they are uncorrelated. This is very different, as neither the regressors nor the omitted variable $z$ are assumed to be centered/zero-mean.
For example, suppose the regressors $X$ and omitted variable $z$ are Bernoulli R.V.s with $p=.5$. Then the term $(X'X)^{-1}$ is a matrix which, in expectation, has $N$ on the diagonals, and $\frac{1}{4}N$ elsewhere, while the term $X'z$ has expectation $[\frac{1}{4}N,...,\frac{1}{4}N]^T$. Clearly, their product does not have expectation 0, despite these variables all being uncorrelated.
So, is the overall takeaway of that section of the wiki article wrong? In the general case where our regressors are not centered, mean-0 variables, can't we have omitted variable bias even if the regressors are all uncorrelated?
Any help understanding this apparent inconsistency would be much appreciated.
-Paul [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omitted-variable_bias