I have a dataset of country-years. I want to find out whether membership in a particular group, say, EU, has an effect on an outcome, say, GDP.
In my initial model, I estimated a pooled OLS model with binary indicators (fixed effects) assigned to year and EU, with robust (heteroskedasticity-consistent) standard errors clustered by country. Country FEs were not included in this model as the time-invariant EU FE would drop out of the model.
Someone suggested that I should estimate a mixed model instead, with random effects assigned to country in addition to the original FEs. I was unable to ask for more details.
Could you help me by explaining to me what the purpose of adding country random effects is? I read up a bit about it, and I understand that it could account for random variation on the country level. Is this correct? Does adding it risk introducing bias in my model or is it always better than not controlling for any effects on the country level?