I won't offer a formal proof but this motivation for it in the "two copies of the variable" case could be turned into one (and a similar argument for more copies).
Imagine you have a regression model with some predictor $X_1$ with coefficient $\hat{\beta}_1$ and potentially other predictors ($V_1, V_2,...$, say), if needed. Let $X_2=X_1$ and add it to the model.
A weighted mixture of these two predictors $w X_1 + (1-w)X_2$ as a predictor would reproduce the fit of the original model (with the same coefficient); some other mixing proportion would result in a worse fit. This takes care of the contribution to the ridge loss function from the fit itself - that kind of mixture with any $w$ would do for minimizing the squared error loss term.
Now consider that if you add both terms to the model independently, the $w$ and $1-w$ will impact the estimated coefficients (look at it not as $\beta_1 (w X_1)$ but as $(\beta_1 w) X_1$).
Everything else being equal, to minimize the ridge penalty, we're minimizing $\hat{\beta_1}^2(w^2 +(1-w)^2)$ over $w$ where $\hat{\beta_1}^2$ is again the coefficient from the original model. Which choice of $w$ will minimize the ridge penalty?