You're correct that terms like confounding bias and selection bias are often loosely or implicitly defined, as much of the focus tends to be on prognosis and identification paths in cases where these biases are isolated. However, in the Structural Causal Model (SCM) framework, by Dr. Judea Pearl, both types of bias can be diagnosed directly from the causal graph.
Confounding bias is easily detected graphically when no other biases are present. Let's consider the target query to be the interventional distribution after a binary point-exposure $A$: $p(y \mid \text{do}(A = a))$, with $a \in \{0, 1\}$, and the causal graph:
\mathcal{G}_1: W\rightarrow A\rightarrow Y\leftarrow W
Now, consider the statistical estimand:
q_Z(y\mid a) := \int p(y\mid A=a,Z)\, \text{d}P(Z)
According to the rules of do-calculus, $p(y \mid \text{do}(A = a))$ is identified by $q_Z(y \mid a)$ in $\mathcal{G}_1$ if: (i) $Z$ blocks all non-causal/backdoor paths from $A$ to $Y$, and (ii) $Z$ contains no descendants of $A$. These are the classical criteria for backdoor admissibility as defined by Dr. Pearl.
If we try $Z = \varnothing$, then $q_\varnothing(y \mid a) = p(y \mid A = a)$ does not identify the interventional distribution because $Z = \varnothing$ does not block the backdoor path $A \leftarrow W \rightarrow Y$. This means the statistical estimand $p(y \mid A = a)$ is affected by confounding bias, and, as a consequence (not as a premise):
p(y\mid\text{do}(A=a)) \neq p(y\mid A=a),
where the inequality holds in distribution. In this case, confounding is the only source of bias.
Selection bias, on the other hand, is traditionally classified into two cases: coming from preferential selection of units into the data, or coming from inadmissible stratification. Recently, some researchers argue that the latter should be viewed as a form of confounding rather than true selection bias. For instance, when conditioning and marginalizing on a collider (e.g., $A \rightarrow C \leftarrow Y$), since this is a violation of backdoor admissibility. Selection bias should require some form of selection instead!
Selection bias, specifically from preferential selection, can also be diagnosed graphically by introducing selection nodes (e.g., missingness indicators). Consider a second causal graph where $R_Y \in \{0, 1\}$ indicates whether an observation of $Y$ is in fact selected ($R_Y = 1$) or missing ($R_Y = 0$) in the data:
\mathcal{G}_2: A\rightarrow Y\leftarrow U\rightarrow R_Y
If there were no missingness, $q_\varnothing(y \mid a) = p(y \mid A = a)$ would identify the interventional distribution, as there are no backdoor paths between $A$ and $Y$. However, selection bias occurs here because we end up recovering $p(y \mid \text{do}(A = a), R_Y = 1)$, which refers to a stratum subpopulation that might differ from the target population. This arises because we can only use the selected observations of $Y$, which might have characteristics that differ from the entire population.
To recover the target query in $\mathcal{G}_2$, adjusting for $U$ solves the problem, with $q_U(y \mid a, 1)$:
q_U(y\mid a,1) := \int p(y\mid A=a,U,R_Y=1)\, \text{d}P(U),
Here, adjusting for $U$ blocks the statistical dependence between the outcome and the selection mechanism without introducing confounding bias as $U$ is backdoor admissible itself.
Finally, consider a more complex graph:
\mathcal{G}_3: W\rightarrow A\rightarrow Y\leftarrow W\quad \sqcup\quad Y\leftarrow U\rightarrow R_Y
In this case, $q_\varnothing(y \mid a, 1) = p(y \mid A = a, R_Y = 1)$ is affected by both confounding and selection biases, but adjusting for both $W$ and $U$ resolves it. This is because $\{W,U\}$ is backdoor admissible and $d$-separates $Y$ from $R_Y$. Hence, $q_{\{W, U\}}(y \mid a, 1)=p(y\mid\text{do}(A=a))$.
There are more intricate graphical scenarios, especially those involving latent variables and multiple selection or missingness mechanisms, where it becomes impossible to address both confounding bias and selection bias at the same time.
I leave some interesting references here:
Sander Greenland. Quantifying biases in causal models: classical confounding vs collider stratification bias. Epidemiology, 14(3):300–306, 2003
Tyler J. VanderWeele and Ilya Shpitser. On the definition of a confounder. Annals of Statistics, 41(1):196–220, 2013
Miguel A. Hernán, Sonia Hernández-Díaz, and James Robins. A structural approach to selection bias. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 15(5):615 625, 2004. 10.1097/01.ede.0000135174.63482.43
Haidong Lu, Chanelle J Howe, Paul N Zivich, Gregg S Gonsalves, and Daniel Westreich. The Evolution of Selection Bias in the Recent Epidemiologic Literature—A Selective Overview. American Journal of Epidemiology, page kwae282, 08 2024. ISSN 0002-9262. 10.1093/aje/kwae282. URL
Haidong Lu, Gregg S Gonsalves, and Daniel Westreich. Selection Bias Requires Selection: The Case of Collider Stratification Bias. American Journal of Epidemiology, 193(3):407–409, 11 2023. ISSN 0002-9262. 10.1093/aje/kwad213. URL
Daniel Westreich. Berkson’s bias, selection bias, and missing data. Epidemiology, 23(1):159–164, 2012. 10.1097/EDE.0b013e31823b6296. PMID: 22081062; PMCID: PMC3237868
Miguel A. Hernán. Invited Commentary: Selection Bias Without Colliders. American Journal of Epidemiology, 185 (11):1048–1050, 05 2017. ISSN 0002-9262. 10.1093/aje/kwx077. URL
Maya B Mathur, Ilya Shpitser, and Tyler VanderWeele. A common-cause principle for eliminating selection bias in causal estimands through covariate adjustment. OSF Preprints ths4e, Center for Open Science, January 2023. URL
Elias Bareinboim, Jin Tian, and Judea Pearl. Recovering from selection bias in causal and statistical inference. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 28(1), Jun. 2014. 10.1609/aaai.v28i1.9074. URL