I'm currently doing a multiple linear regression analysis on Spirituality and Forgiveness to see how it affects Life Satisfaction.
If I put the IVs individually into linear regression they both show up as significant, with spirituality being <.001 and forgiveness being .004. However, if I put both of them into the model spirituality stays as 0.001 while forgiveness goes to .543. I'm not really sure how to interpret these results.
Additionally I am doing a moderation analysis to see if spirituality moderates forgiveness shows insignificant moderation.
I checked for mediation, with spirituality being the mediator for forgiveness and life satisfaction. The results are as follows:
Direct effect of forgiveness on life satisfaction is shown to be insignificant
Indirect effect where spirituality is the mediator is shown to be highly significant at <.001.
Am I correct in assuming that the interpretation for this is full mediation i.e forgiveness only has a significant effect on life satisfaction if mediated by spirituality; otherwise there is no significant effect whatsoever as well as spirituality on its own being a predictor for life satisfaction as well?