Because this is purely a question of notation, it helps to examine it abstractly.
Multivariate derivatives
Every finite-dimensional real vector space $\mathbb R^d$ can be considered a set of functions $\mathbf v:S\to \mathbb R$ where $S$ is a set with $d$ elements (the "index set"), endowed with its usual pointwise addition and scalar multiplication. It is canonically equipped with $d$ coordinate functions defined by restricting $\mathbf v$ to a single element of $S.$ That is, for $s\in S,$
$$\pi_s(\mathbf v) = \mathbf v(s).$$
Your situation concerns the composition of two differentiable maps
$$\mathbb R^{nh} \overset{g}\to \mathbb R^h \overset{l}\to \mathbb R \approx \mathbb R^1$$
$$g(W) = Wx+b.$$
The Chain Rule says the derivative of $l\circ g$ at some point $W\in\mathbb R^{nh}$ is the composition of their derivatives evaluated at relevant points,
$$D(l\circ g)_W = D(l)_{g(W)}\circ D(g)_W.$$
Calculating derivatives
The final preliminary result about differentiation is the basic theorem that these derivatives, in terms of the coordinate functions, are the Jacobian matrices of partial derivatives--whence the composition on the right hand side is computed via matrix multiplication. I don't know that this theorem even has a name--and I suspect most people forget it's even a theorem, it is so basic.
You ask how to calculate these derivatives. It is aided by the Kronecker delta. This can be considered a notational convenience given by
$$\delta_{t,s} = \delta_{s,t} = \mathcal I(s=t) = \left\{\matrix{1, & s=t\\0, & s\ne t}\right.$$
for any two indices $s$ and $t.$ Delta simplifies sums wherever it involves a summation index:
$$\sum_{i} a_i \delta_{i,j} = a_j$$
is a model of how it works. You will see this applied twice below.
Comment. One could maintain that $\delta$ is a tensor (and it indeed can be formalized as such), but as you will see, it is employed in the solution below merely as a notational convenience for indicating whether or not two indices are equal. This keeps the conceptual focus squarely on the fact that we are computing the derivative of the composition of two maps of vector spaces -- no tensors need get involved.
The solution
We may now apply the Chain Rule mindlessly. But for those to whom this approach might be unfamiliar, I will spell out all the details.
Let $i$ be an index for $\mathbb R^h$ and $j$ an index for $\mathbb R^n,$ so that we may use the ordered pairs $(i,j)$ to index the components of the matrix $W.$ Let $k$ be an index for $\mathbb R^h$ to index the components of the vector $z.$ Finally, let $s$ be an index for $\mathbb R^n$ used for the components of the vector $x.$ Here is the calculation:
\frac{\partial (l \circ z)}{\partial W_{ij}} &= \sum_{k=1}^h \frac{\partial l}{\partial z_k} \frac{\partial z_k}{\partial W_{ij}}&\text{Chain Rule}\\
&=\sum_{k=1}^h \frac{\partial l}{\partial z_k}\ \frac{\partial}{\partial W_{ij}}\left(\sum_{s=1}^n W_{ks}x_s + b_k\right)&\text{Expand }z = Wx + b\\
&=\sum_{k=1}^h \frac{\partial l}{\partial z_k}\ \sum_{s=1}^n \left(x_s\, \frac{\partial W_{ks}}{\partial W_{ij}} + \frac{\partial b_k}{\partial W_{ij}}\right)&\text{Linearity of differentiation}\\
&=\sum_{k=1}^h \frac{\partial l}{\partial z_k} \ \sum_{s=1}^n x_s\,(\delta_{ks, \,ij} + 0)&\text{Derivatives expressed as } \delta\\
&=\sum_{k=1}^h \frac{\partial l}{\partial z_k} \ \sum_{s=1}^n x_s\,\delta_{k,i}\,\delta_{j,s}&\text{Separability}\\
&=\left(\sum_{k=1}^h \frac{\partial l}{\partial z_k} \delta_{k,i}\right)\left(\sum_{s=1}^n x_s\,\delta_{j,s}\right)&\text{Arithmetic}\\
&=\frac{\partial l}{\partial z_i} x_j.&\delta\text{ simplification of sums}