
I have seen multiple questions on this topic (GAM Regression), but have never seen a full answer on this:

Suppose I have some data and fit a GAM model using R:


slope <- 0.05 

data <- rbind(
        x = 1:100,
        y = rnorm(100, mean = 2.5, sd = 1.2) + (1:100) * slope
        x = 101:160,
        y = rnorm(60, mean = -1.8, sd = 1.5) + (101:160) * slope
        x = 161:200,
        y = rnorm(40, mean = 4.2, sd = 1.8) + (161:200) * slope
        x = 201:225,
        y = rnorm(25, mean = 0.3, sd = 1.4) + (201:225) * slope
        x = 226:240,
        y = rnorm(15, mean = 3.7, sd = 1.6) + (226:240) * slope

pred_data <- data.frame(x = seq(min(data$x), max(data$x), length.out = 200))

gam_model <- gam(y ~ s(x), data = data)
pred_data$gam <- predict(gam_model, newdata = pred_data)

# Natural Splines
ns_model <- lm(y ~ ns(x, df = 10), data = data)
pred_data$ns <- predict(ns_model, newdata = pred_data)

loess_model <- loess(y ~ x, data = data, span = 0.25)
pred_data$loess <- predict(loess_model, newdata = pred_data)

# Polynomial Regression
poly_model <- lm(y ~ poly(x, degree = 5), data = data)
pred_data$poly <- predict(poly_model, newdata = pred_data)

# GAM with different basis
gam_model2 <- gam(y ~ s(x, bs = "cr", k = 20), data = data)
pred_data$gam2 <- predict(gam_model2, newdata = pred_data)

pred_long <- pred_data %>%
    pivot_longer(cols = c(gam, ns, loess, poly, gam2),
                 names_to = "model",
                 values_to = "predicted")

p1 <- ggplot() +
    geom_point(data = data, aes(x = x, y = y), alpha = 0.5, size = 0.8) +
    geom_line(data = pred_long, aes(x = x, y = predicted, color = model), linewidth = 1) +
    theme_minimal() +
    labs(title = "Comparison of Different Regression Models",
         x = "X", y = "Y") +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("gam" = "blue", 
                                  "ns" = "red", 
                                  "loess" = "green", 
                                  "poly" = "purple",
                                  "gam2" = "orange"),
                       labels = c("GAM (default)", 
                                  "Natural Splines", 
                                  "Polynomial (degree 5)",
                                  "GAM (cubic regression)")) +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom")

p2 <- ggplot() +
    geom_point(data = data, aes(x = x, y = y), alpha = 0.5, size = 0.8) +
    geom_line(data = pred_long, aes(x = x, y = predicted)) +
    facet_wrap(~model, ncol = 2) +
    theme_minimal() +
    labs(title = "Individual Model Fits",
         x = "X", y = "Y")


enter image description here

For GAM models, it seems that it is fundamentally impossible to obtain an equation for the fitted model.

I have looked and looked on how this might be possible, and the only thing which makes sense to me is the following: After fitting the GAM model, predict multiple values of $y$ over a range of $x$ values , then fit a simpler model to these predicted values to approximate the GAM model (in a situation with multiple variables, you would hold all other variables at their mean value and just do this for one predictor and the response). This is my interpretation on how to do this in R:

# create grid for predictions
x_grid <- seq(min(data$x), max(data$x), length.out = 500)
gam_preds <- predict(gam_model, newdata = data.frame(x = x_grid))

# fit different models to GAM predictions

poly_model <- lm(gam_preds ~ poly(x_grid, degree = 5, raw = TRUE))
poly_preds <- predict(poly_model)

ns_model <- lm(gam_preds ~ ns(x_grid, df = 8))
ns_preds <- predict(ns_model)

loess_model <- loess(gam_preds ~ x_grid, span = 0.2)
loess_preds <- predict(loess_model)

calc_stats <- function(actual, predicted) {
    r2 <- round(cor(actual, predicted)^2, 4)
    rmse <- round(sqrt(mean((actual - predicted)^2)), 4)
    return(c(r2 = r2, rmse = rmse))

stats_poly <- calc_stats(gam_preds, poly_preds)
stats_ns <- calc_stats(gam_preds, ns_preds)
stats_loess <- calc_stats(gam_preds, loess_preds)

# Create equation for polynomial
coefs <- round(coef(poly_model), 4)
eq_terms <- character(length(coefs))
eq_terms[1] <- sprintf("%.4f", coefs[1])
for(i in 1:(length(coefs)-1)) {
    term <- sprintf("%.4fx%s", coefs[i+1], 
                    if(i == 1) "" else if(i == 2) "²" else if(i == 3) "³" else paste0("^", i))
    eq_terms[i+1] <- if(coefs[i+1] >= 0) paste0(" + ", term) else paste0(" - ", abs(coefs[i+1]))
poly_eq <- paste0("y = ", paste(eq_terms, collapse = ""))

plot_data <- data.frame(
    x = x_grid,
    GAM = gam_preds,
    Polynomial = poly_preds,
    Natural_Splines = ns_preds,
    LOESS = loess_preds

plot_data_long <- tidyr::pivot_longer(plot_data, 
                                      cols = -x, 
                                      names_to = "Model", 
                                      values_to = "y")

p1 <- ggplot() +
    geom_point(data = data, aes(x = x, y = y), alpha = 0.2) +
    geom_line(data = plot_data_long, aes(x = x, y = y, color = Model, linetype = Model), 
              linewidth = 1) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("GAM" = "black", 
                                  "Polynomial" = "red", 
                                  "Natural_Splines" = "blue",
                                  "LOESS" = "purple")) +
    theme_minimal() +
    labs(title = "All Models Comparison",
         subtitle = paste0("R² values:\n",
                           "Polynomial: ", stats_poly["r2"], "\n",
                           "Natural Splines: ", stats_ns["r2"], "\n",
                           "LOESS: ", stats_loess["r2"]),
         x = "x", y = "y") +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom")

labels <- list(
    GAM = paste0("Original GAM\n",
                 "Smoothing spline with default parameters"),
    Polynomial = paste0("Polynomial (degree 5)\n",
                        str_wrap(poly_eq, width = 30), "\n",
                        "R² = ", stats_poly["r2"], "\n",
                        "RMSE = ", stats_poly["rmse"]),
    Natural_Splines = paste0("Natural Splines\n",
                             "Degrees of freedom = 8\n",
                             "R² = ", stats_ns["r2"], "\n",
                             "RMSE = ", stats_ns["rmse"]),
    LOESS = paste0("LOESS\n",
                   "span = 0.2\n",
                   "R² = ", stats_loess["r2"], "\n",
                   "RMSE = ", stats_loess["rmse"])

p2 <- ggplot() +
    geom_point(data = data, aes(x = x, y = y), alpha = 0.2) +
    geom_line(data = plot_data_long, aes(x = x, y = y, color = Model), 
              linewidth = 1) +
    facet_wrap(~Model, ncol = 2) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("GAM" = "black", 
                                  "Polynomial" = "red", 
                                  "Natural_Splines" = "blue",
                                  "LOESS" = "purple")) +
    theme_minimal() +
    labs(title = "Individual Model Fits",
         x = "x", y = "y") +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    geom_text(data = data.frame(
        Model = names(labels),
        x = rep(min(data$x), length(labels)),
        y = rep(max(data$y) + 1, length(labels)),
        label = unlist(labels)
    aes(x = x, y = y, label = label),
    hjust = 0, vjust = 1, size = 2.5)

combined_plot <- p1 | p2

enter image description here

Thus, the natural question arises:

  • Is this the correct methodology to obtain the model equation of the fitted GAM regression? (seems like we are introducing a new source of uncertainty/error proprogation)
  • If we can't get the final equation for the fitted GAM regression model, why not just fit a simpler regression model (e.g. cubic spline) on the original data that is able to directly provide the final fitted model equation?

enter image description here

x_grid <- seq(min(data$x), max(data$x), length.out = 500)
gam_preds <- predict(gam_model, newdata = data.frame(x = x_grid))

cubic_model <- lm(gam_preds ~ ns(x_grid, df = 4))  # using 4 degrees of freedom for simplicity
cubic_preds <- predict(cubic_model)

calc_stats <- function(actual, predicted) {
    r2 <- round(cor(actual, predicted)^2, 4)
    rmse <- round(sqrt(mean((actual - predicted)^2)), 4)
    return(c(r2 = r2, rmse = rmse))

stats_cubic <- calc_stats(gam_preds, cubic_preds)

basis_matrix <- ns(x_grid, df = 4)
coef_cubic <- coef(cubic_model)

eq_terms <- sprintf("%.4f", coef_cubic[1])  # intercept
for(i in 1:length(coef_cubic[-1])) {
    term <- sprintf("%.4f × NS%d(x)", coef_cubic[i+1], i)
    eq_terms <- paste(eq_terms, ifelse(coef_cubic[i+1] >= 0, "+", ""), term)
cubic_eq <- paste("y =", eq_terms)

plot_data <- data.frame(
    x = x_grid,
    GAM = gam_preds,
    `Cubic Spline` = cubic_preds

plot_data_long <- tidyr::pivot_longer(plot_data, 
                                      cols = -x, 
                                      names_to = "Model", 
                                      values_to = "y")

p1 <- ggplot() +
    geom_point(data = data, aes(x = x, y = y), alpha = 0.2) +
    geom_line(data = plot_data_long, aes(x = x, y = y, color = Model, linetype = Model), 
              linewidth = 1) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("GAM" = "black", "Cubic Spline" = "red")) +
    theme_minimal() +
    labs(title = "Cubic Spline Approximation of GAM Model",
         subtitle = paste0("Natural Cubic Spline with 4 df\n",
                           "R² to GAM predictions = ", stats_cubic["r2"], "\n",
                           "RMSE to GAM predictions = ", stats_cubic["rmse"]),
         x = "x", 
         y = "GAM Predictions (and Cubic Spline Approximation)",
         color = "Model",
         linetype = "Model") +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom")

labels <- list(
    GAM = "Original GAM Model\n(Reference model being approximated)",
    `Cubic Spline` = paste0("Natural Cubic Spline Approximation\n",
                            "Degrees of freedom = 4\n",
                            str_wrap(cubic_eq, width = 40), "\n",
                            "R² to GAM predictions = ", stats_cubic["r2"], "\n",
                            "RMSE to GAM predictions = ", stats_cubic["rmse"])

p2 <- ggplot() +
    geom_point(data = data, aes(x = x, y = y), alpha = 0.2) +
    geom_line(data = plot_data_long, aes(x = x, y = y, color = Model), 
              linewidth = 1) +
    facet_wrap(~Model, ncol = 2) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("GAM" = "black", "Cubic Spline" = "red")) +
    theme_minimal() +
    labs(title = "Cubic Spline Approximation of GAM Predictions",
         x = "x", 
         y = "GAM Predictions (and Cubic Spline Approximation)") +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    geom_text(data = data.frame(
        Model = names(labels),
        x = rep(min(data$x), length(labels)),
        y = rep(max(data$y) + 1, length(labels)),
        label = unlist(labels)
    aes(x = x, y = y, label = label),
    hjust = 0, vjust = 1, size = 2.5)

combined_plot <- p1 | p2

cat("\nCubic Spline Equation:\n", cubic_eq)
  • 8
    $\begingroup$ The equation for your GAM is $\hat{y}_i = \gamma + \sum_{k=1}^{K} \beta_k b_k(x_{i})$. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 13 at 8:40
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ I think the crux of your question or confusion is implicit. Why exactly do you think we need the explicit model equation? For what purpose? $\endgroup$
    – Kuku
    Commented Nov 13 at 10:24
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ You can cut through all that by using regression splines, which give you equations and will fit very similar to GAMs. See for example this. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 13 at 12:33
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @FrankHarrell What makes you think these aren't regression splines? At least the ones fitted in gam() are. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 13 at 19:24
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Sorry I missed the use of ns and poly which uses very parametric fits. If you think those are messy to deal with (I usually agree) then I would recommend using what I almost always use: restricted cubic splines (natural splines with truncated power basis). The R rms package has a latex method that renders fitted equations in simplest form when using restricted cubic splines. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 13 at 20:32

3 Answers 3


Regardless of whether you can get the equation (see the comments), the sort of curves that you show in your question are inherently useful. They show the relationship in all its curvy messiness. This is sometimes more useful than an equation.

True, the complexity of any equation (if you can derive one) makes interpretation of the parameters tricky, but sometimes you don't need that. As Yogi Berra may have said "You can see a lot by looking."

  • $\begingroup$ Peter: do you think what I have done is correct? fitting a simpler model to the GAM predictions is acceptable? $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 14 at 5:48
  • $\begingroup$ I think you'd want to do it on different data. Train and test. But others here are more expert on that question $\endgroup$
    – Peter Flom
    Commented Nov 14 at 12:00

Another reason, perhaps not explicitly mentioned so far, is that sometimes you have an irregular trend in the data that you want to remove because is of technical, uninteresting nature. So you fit a flexible model like gam and work with the residuals from then on. A separate question at this point would be why you would choose gam over loess or spline.


Sometimes, all you need is a shape.

You can use the fitted GAM to predict what the value should be across the full range of data - isn't that line/curve often what we want from a fit anyway? It's less convenient to use that as input into some more complex operation (say a dynamic model) than a simple equation & parameter values. But even that can be done with some effort - I've used fitted GAMs inside ODE models.

  • $\begingroup$ mkt: do you think what I have done is correct? fitting a simpler model to the GAM predictions is acceptable? $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 14 at 5:48
  • $\begingroup$ @user_436830 No, I don't really see the point of it, honestly. If you really want a polynomial, you can just fit a polynomial to start with and skip the GAM. Fitting one model and then approximating it with another could add noise and doesn't help in an obvious way. $\endgroup$
    – mkt
    Commented Nov 14 at 5:58
  • $\begingroup$ mkt: thanks for the clarification. here is my intention: $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 14 at 5:59
  • $\begingroup$ I observed some data on the number of arrivals that happen at each time unit. I want to model the arrivals vs time as a GAM regression model ... and then simulate a Non-Homogenous Poisson Process with a Rate/Intensity function based on the fitted GAM model on the arrival data. This is why I wanted the equation of the GAM... $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 14 at 6:02
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @user_436830 I really don't see why you don't just predict from your fitted model for the x.grid values (times?) you want to include in the simulation? Perhaps start a new question and explain what you want to actually do, not some bit 10 steps down a rabbit hole that you happen to wandered. For the record, no I think what you are doing to approximate the GAM fit with another model doesn't make sense, at least given what you have told us. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 14 at 9:04

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