I am kinda new to statistics, so I have a question about survival analysis using Kaplan Meier estimates. In my samples (tumors), I think a certain feature has a positive prognostic impact (better overall survival) only in the short term i.e., it has a positive impact in the first 24 months after diagnosis, but after this time the feature becomes detrimental, and patients with it die sooner than the others. In other words: in the 24-month time window after diagnosis, patients with the feature tend to die in the later portion of the window, but those with the feature who survive after 24 months, do not live much longer. I have previous information to say this is biologically plausible.
I cannot perform U Mann-Whitney test because some data are censored. If I use Kaplan Meier estimates, as I am doing, is it acceptable to restrict the analysis to a specific time window (in my case, ≤24 months), and then running the log-rank test? Or is there another method? Thank you in advance for your answers.