I am trying to eliminate variables from the regression model (linear, Poisson, and negative binomial) due to the high value of correlation. The R code is below
pairs.panels(a12, cex.cor = 4, cex.labels = 4, cex.axis = 2, method = "pearson")
pairs.panels(a12, cex.cor = 4, cex.labels = 4, cex.axis = 2, method = "spearman")
pairs.panels(a12, cex.cor = 4, cex.labels = 4, cex.axis = 2, method = "Kendall")
Because my variables' value did not follow normal distribution so that I mainly considered values from the Spearman method. I saw a value of higher than 0.7 (ex 0.77) and some values which were higher than 0.6.
I am not sure whether my thinking for methods eliminating variables is correct.
I will do
- I will delete variable (between two correlated variables) which had lower correlation value to my target variable (response, dependent)
- I used AIC and BIC to find the models with best value (lowest AIC,BIC)
- I apply LASSO, Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA package), statistically equivalent signature (SES, MXM package)
- I also find an interesting information here: https://www.statalist.org/forums/forum/general-stata-discussion/general/650016-decide-which-variables-to-be-omitted-in-ols-regression
Thanks to comments from readers, I would like to add more information from my model:
- Type of outcome value: I do count data regression so that expected outcome would be 0, 1, 2, 3,........
- I have a total of 104 observations for my model
- My model has 1 target variable and six predictors (independent variables)
- I used the model to examine the causal relationship between the number of facilities appearing within a ward based on population, area, .... and make predictions, too.
- I think that I should eliminate my variables because there are some high values of correlation (0.6 to 0.8) between the two variables in my model. I have read documents that this would affect the precision of the coefficient and standard error of the coefficient of the model.
- I have checked VIF for all variables (using linear regression using car package), and all value were lower than 5
Would you have any references or comments for me? I am not sure about these above-mentioning methods