I am fitting a model using the auto.arima
function in package forecast
. I get a model that is AR(1), for example. I then extract residuals from this model. How does this generate the same number of residuals as the original vector? If this is an AR(1) model then the number of residuals should be 1 less than the dimensionality of the original time series. What am I missing?
arprocess = as.numeric(arima.sim(model = list(ar=.5), n=100))
#auto.arima(arprocess, d=0, D=0, ic="bic", stationary=T)
# Series: arprocess
# ARIMA(1,0,0) with zero mean
# Coefficients:
# ar1
# 0.5198
# s.e. 0.0867
# sigma^2 estimated as 1.403: log likelihood=-158.99
# AIC=321.97 AICc=322.1 BIC=327.18
r = resid(auto.arima(arprocess, d=0, D=0, ic="bic", stationary=T))
> length(r)
[1] 100
Update: Digging into the code of auto.arima, I see that it uses Arima which in turn uses stats:::arima
. Therefore the question is really how does stats:::arima
compute residuals for the very first observation?