Preamble of the problem
I am currently trying to apply Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machines on a time series dataset problem, in particular, the dataset constitutes of 10 day
stock market recordings, and in each day, 50 stock value
recordings are logged that are 5 minute apart from each other. Therefore, to my presumption, each day can be considered as a sequence {x0,x1,...,x50}
and each recording in a day is a sample x
My presumptions - please correct me if I'm wrong
Each day of recordings is a sequence
The purpose of C-RBM is to map a sequence - a day of stock recordings - into a set of features that can be used by any regression algorithm as input
A different
is trained on each sequence
How do we feed the sample recordings of a sequence to an RBM
? Do we concatenate all the features of a sequence into one large vector and train the RBM
on that? Or do we use each sequence as a miniature dataset on which the RBM
trains, but then the time element is not emphasized here?
The question basically boils down to how, from an abstract point of view, can we use C-RBM
to extract hidden features from sequences?
Your suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Thank you